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10.000 Lightyears
somewhere out in space
They practice love and they know
what it takes
No competition and no jealousy
Living in freedom and humanity
10.000 Lightyears away,
lightyears away far from pain
Came to a place full of [grace and love weed] ?
10.000 Lightyears
away from our fear
Suddenly it's ringing in my ears
Why is it now I don't wanna be here
I feel like flow in that clock at the wall
God, how I wish that this dream would go on
10.000 Lightyears away, lightyears away far from pain
Came to a place full of grace and of peace
10.000 Lightyears away from our fear
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com10.000 Lightyears
somewhere out in space (10.000 Lightyears)