Letra Abigail de King Diamond

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Abigail, I know You're in control of her brain, Abigail
And I know that You're the one that's
speaking through her, Abigail
Miriam can You hear me

I am alive inside Your Wife
Miriam's dead, I am her head...

Abigail, don't You think I know what
You've done, Abigail
I'll get a priest, he will know
How to get her soul back

Oh Jonathan, this is Miriam
Our time is out
Remember the stairs, it's the only way

Abigail, nothing I can do but give in, Abigail
follow me to the crypt
Abigail you aught to be reborn where you died
Jonathan, I agree...Yes I do
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I am alive inside Your Wife
Miriam's dead, I am her head...soon I'll be free!!!