Letra All In The Scheme Of Things de Gordon Haskell

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

All the Pharaons got together
When things went on the skids
They said before we go we oughta let them know
It was us who built the Pyramids.

{Chorus :}
But it was all in the scheme of things
The shape of things to come
Without that cog the thing won't run
And you don't climb that ladder
You're just the rung
Cos it was all in the scheme of things
The shape of things to come.

Aristotle hit the bottle
And Plato loved the blow
He said one plus one plus one is fun
And left a note for Michelangelo.


Your theories like Pythagoras
Were there for you to use
While you explored the triangle
I learned to sing the blues.

Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
... all in the scheme of things
The shape of things to come
... all in the scheme of things
The shape of things to come.