Letra Alzheimer's Disease de Messiah

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

For fifty-two years
We have been married
We've had a lucky life

But now the problems have begun

She's really changed, I can't understand my wife
What's happened with her mind
She keeps forgetting things
I realize the degeneration of her memory
Her lack of independence
Distractedness, personality decline
Obstructions of recollections

The years pass slowly
A lot has changed in my life
She's living with a persecution complex
My wife's a total physical wreck


She's regressing more and more
Her behaviour is like infancy
I see only a grown-up foetus
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Nobody will help her
I know she will die
By the alzheimer's disease