Letra Bad Vibrations de Razor

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Why does everyone I know oct stupid when they're drunk?
They talk too loud, slur their words, throw up on my rug
They fall downstairs but they can't feel the bruises they receive
Pissing in my garbage can, can't wait until they leave
I never learn
I threw the party, bought the booze, got whet I deserved
Didn't think they'd wreck my house, never seen such nerve
Now I'II spend the next two days repairing all my stuff
Get the disinfectant out, I hope I bought enough
Puke stains permanently in my rug
Won't fade no matter how hard I scrub
Next time there's a party I'II be sure it's somewhere else
Revenge is mine when I show up. I'm gonna wreck your house
Enjoy the panic stricken look on someone else's face
Nothing's gonna stop me from destroying your whole place