Letra Bass God de Last Dinosaurs

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Everythings spinning
Galactic living
Life is a giant hotel
We're living fast
Cause nothing lasts

I-I-I been looking to the sky
For stars to show me signs
In that interstellar light
But I Try-y-y
Remember I'm alive
Don't worry all the time bout everything

Don't worry all the time bout everything

I'm tearing up my soul
'cause im searching for that pot of gold
Material life is all I known
A blimp in time and away we go
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I-I-I been looking to the sky
For stars to show me signs
In that interstellar light
But I Try-y-y
Remember I'm alive
Don't worry all the time bout everything