Letra Books de Er

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What is this book
That swells with fables
On oceans of age
Of changing truths?
What is this book?

What is this truth?
That treats the children so bad
Homeless and broken
Beaten and battered
And scarred for life
Something's not right
When the whole world can't cry

Enough's enough
This can't go on
And stop these wrongs
Where has love gone?

Men changing laws
To suit themselves
To further their wealth
Men starting wars
Is there nothing more?

Why don't you start
To live by the rules
Of your books
That you so take to heart
It would be a start
Where the whole world
Could cry

Enough's enough
This can't go on
And stop these wrongs
Where has love gone?

It would be a start
Where the whole world
Could cry

Enough's enough
This can't go on
And stop these wrongs
Where has love gone?

Enough's enough
There is no God
In these men's hearts
Only cold, cold death
And with intent
To do us harm

Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
fuente: musica.com