Letra Breadfan de Metallica

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Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse,
Open up your bones, never, never gonna lose it.
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch,
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.

Loser, give it all away, never stay with the winner,
With the man with all the filthy money.
Come on, keep it on the side, with a ride on a record,
On the top if you're gonna be a bad boy.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse,
Open up your bones, never, never gonna lose it.
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch,
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend's
Gonna lose it in the end, who's a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.