Letra Calling de Geri Halliwell

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The sun is going down on me. As she surrenders to the sea.So steal the night and fly with me. I'm calling. I'm calling.
The moon is high on me and you. Here's my message breaking through. Darkened skies that once were blue are falling.
So hear me now...

Calling out your name. Burning on the flame. Play the waiting game. Here my calling. Hear my calling. (Forever and ever).

Through distant lands and mountain streams. My river's running through your dreams. There's an ocean in between.
Forever and never. Chasing shadows through the years. I whisper softly to my dear. Be sure to know that I am here.
Forever. So hear me now...

Calling out your name (A wish that could come true). Burning on the flame (I'm reaching out to you). Played the waiting
game. Hear my calling. Hear my calling.
Whipsers in the air (I dream you into life). Hear a lover's prayer (I pray for you tonight). I can feel you there.
Hear my calling. Hear my calling.

No man is an island. That's an empty sin.
Discovery is a journey. Just have to let me in.

Calling out your name (A wish that could come true). Burning on the flame (I'm reaching out to you). Played the waiting game.
Calling out your name (A wish that could come true). Burning on the flame (I'm reaching out to you). Played the waiting
game. Her my calling. Hear my calling.

Whipsers in the air (I dream you into life). Hear a lover's prayer (I pray for you tonight). I can feel you there.
Hear my calling. Hear my calling.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
No man is an island (A wish that could come true). That's an empty sin (I'm reaching out to you). So steal the night and fly with me. I'm calling,
Hear my calling.