Letra Carpe Diem de Bob Catley

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We fly the flag of freedom, we swore to crush all tyranny
They speak their words of treason, we silence all such villainy
History shall honour, we the brave
Born to fight as heroes not be slaves, we do or die
Destiny, take not these words in vein
Men will curse they were not here this day to testify

Sunrise, sunrise
Clawing back its timeless reach
Scores the black horizon, sleepless sunrise
Paws the light in skyward breach
Cuts the night in silence, seize the day

The dawning sunlight carries a ray of hope to every man
Across the fields and valleys to where a hundred thousand stand
Crispin's day will live forever more
Brave were those who fell at agincourt, the dearly loved
This shall be remembered as the place
Few defeated many by the grace of god above

Sunrise, sunrise
Clawing back its timeless reach
Scores the black horizon, sleepless sunrise
Paws the light in skyward breach
Cuts the night in silence, seize the day

Sunrise, sunrise
Clawing back its timeless reach
Scores the black horizon, sleepless sunrise
Paws the light in skyward breach
Cuts the night in silence, seize the day

Destiny, take not these words in vein
Men will curse they were not here this day to testify

This fight, this day unceasing
This light forever, seize the day
This battle, this unending feeling
This spirit of the moment leads the way

This fight, this day unceasing
This light forever, seize the day
This battle, this unending feeling
This spirit of the moment leads the way
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Sunrise, sunrise
Clawing back its timeless reach
Scores the black horizon, sleepless sunrise
Paws the light in skyward breach
Cuts the night in silence, seize the day