Letra Cartoon heroes de Aqua

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We are what we're suppose to be
Illusions of your fantasy
All dots and lines to speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

We are the Carter Syphony
We do the things you wana see
Frame by frame to the extreme

Our friends are so unreasonable
They do the unpredictable
All dots and lines to speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

Its all an orchestra of strings
Doin unbelievable things
Frame by frame to the extreme
One by one we're makin it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes (oh oh uo)
We are the ones who gatta last forever
We came out of a crazy mind (oh oh uo)
And We're all flatter than a piece of paper

Here comes spider man, eracniphobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes super man from never never land
Welcome to the toon town party

We learn to run at speed of lights
And to fall down from any height
Its true but just remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

An opera of craziness

A bunch of stunts thats chasin us
Frame by frame to the extreme
One by one we're makin it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes (oh oh uo)
We are the one who gatta last forever
We came out of a crazy mind (oh oh uo)
And We're all flatter than a piece of paper

Here comes spider man, eracniphobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes super man from never never land
Welcome to the toon town party

You'll think we're so mysterious
Don't take us all to serious
Be original and remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do

What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do

We are the Cartoon Heroes (oh oh uo)
We are the one who gatta last forever
We came out of a crazy mind (oh oh uo)
And We're all flatter than a piece of paper
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Ask some more to come
And everyone will be
Welcomed at the
Toon(toon) town(town) party!