Corregir Letra Abc de Ziggy Marley

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Letra actual de la canción
Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know,

A is for Africa
B is for Brother
C is for Caring
D is for Da Da
E is for Everyone
F is for Forever
G is for my Guitar
H is for Here We Go

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)

I is for Incredible
J is for the Jammin'
K is for Kiss
L is for Lovin'
M is for Mommy
N is for Nice
O is for Oh MY
P is for People time
Q is for Quick
R is for Ready!

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)

S is for my Sister
T is for Today
U is for Unity
V gives me Variety
W is for the World
X is for my Xylophone
Y is for You
Z if for Ziggy

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)
Letra nueva de la canción
Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know,

A is for Africa
B is for Brother
C is for Caring
D is for Da Da
E is for Everyone
F is for Forever
G is for my Guitar
H is for Here We Go

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)

I is for Incredible
J is for the Jammin'
K is for Kiss
L is for Lovin'
M is for Mommy
N is for Nice
O is for Oh MY
P is for People time
Q is for Quick
R is for Ready!

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)

S is for my Sister
T is for Today
U is for Unity
V gives me Variety
W is for the World
X is for my Xylophone
Y is for You
Z if for Ziggy

Bend down low,
Let me tell you what I know, (let me tell you what I know)