Corregir Letra I only have eyes for you de Jamie Cullum

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Letra actual de la canción
Are the stars out tonight?
I dont know if its cloudy or bright
cause I only have eyes for you, dear
My love must be some kind of blind love
I dont see anybody but you
The moon may be high
But I cant see a thing in the sky
cause I only have eyes for you.
And dear, I wonder if you find love
An optical illusion, too?

I dont know if were in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue
You are here, so am i
Maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view
I only have eyes for you
My love must be some kind of blind love
I dont see anybody but you
Letra nueva de la canción
Are the stars out tonight?
I dont know if its cloudy or bright
cause I only have eyes for you, dear
My love must be some kind of blind love
I dont see anybody but you
The moon may be high
But I cant see a thing in the sky
cause I only have eyes for you.
And dear, I wonder if you find love
An optical illusion, too?

I dont know if were in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue
You are here, so am i
Maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view
I only have eyes for you
My love must be some kind of blind love
I dont see anybody but you