Corregir Letra It's gonna go away de Korn

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Letra actual de la canción
It's Gonna Go Away
Fu.., fu.. fu.., I got this bad cold
And I got a life, I live it up
I live it up
(It's gonna go away)
I don't want this to go away
I'm so scared
(oh so cared)
I can't think of going on
We all crumble
We crumble under pressure
(It's still gonna go away)
.... go live it up
We're livin it up
Letra nueva de la canción
It's Gonna Go Away
Fu.., fu.. fu.., I got this bad cold
And I got a life, I live it up
I live it up
(It's gonna go away)
I don't want this to go away
I'm so scared
(oh so cared)
I can't think of going on
We all crumble
We crumble under pressure
(It's still gonna go away)
.... go live it up
We're livin it up