Corregir Letra It's shoved de Melvins

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Letra actual de la canción
For the love maze for me to show you
Look show
Can't even handwrite
I got somethin'
You got holy doll
I'm a leather man
Then when we caught a big pack of bad cats
Always raising paws
Always chucking tails
Kiss that little head
Make 'em demohol
Eat some Petromalt
So they see
Letra nueva de la canción
For the love maze for me to show you
Look show
Can't even handwrite
I got somethin'
You got holy doll
I'm a leather man
Then when we caught a big pack of bad cats
Always raising paws
Always chucking tails
Kiss that little head
Make 'em demohol
Eat some Petromalt
So they see