Letra Damn 80'S Hooker de The Blows

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I'm glad, I found you,
Oh that night, you met me
Bitchy legs, bad manners,
I went crazy, girl, oh

But you don't wanna see me,
I said you don't wanna see me

But it's not in your eyes
I see the love that shines behind them
It's not in your eyes,
You always gonna break my heart
It's you, you you
I know it's you babe,
Don't you know it's you e.v.a?

I don't believe in lovers,
I don't believe in queens,
But you turned off all my thoughts
And I just have to scream,
If I don't catch you
I think I'm going insane,
Why I deserve this?
Oh why you know it's you who don't wanna see me?
I said it's you who don't wanna see me
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
But it's not in your eyes
I see the love that shines behind them
It's not in your eyes,
You always gonna break my heart
It's not in your eyes
I see the love that shines behind them
It's not in your eyes,
You always gonna break my heart
It's you, you you
I know it's you babe,
Don't you know it's you e.v.a?