Dedicar Letra Freedom (Ft. CeCe Rogers) de Tta

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 te dedica Freedom (Ft. CeCe Rogers) de Tta y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

House music
Well, my definition of house music
Is what comes from the soul
(Is what comes from the soul, is what comes from the soul)

And you may call it house 'cause it's not a serious production
Or has to be planned
It's just how you feel
When you wanna say something you just say it

Like if you wanna say 'freedom, I do believe in freedom
Freedom', yeah, something like that
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House music

What is house music?
A unique form of music that gives complete freedom of expression
It's not with a continual form of something that you do continually
But it's just something that, it's real simple
And it just deals with, anybody can understand it

Like if you wanna say 'freedom, I do believe in freedom
Freedom', yeah, something like that
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