Dedicar Letra I've Got Sunshine de The Tempations

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 te dedica I've Got Sunshine de The Tempations y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

I got sunshine

on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside

Ive got the month of May.

I guess you say

what can make me feel this way

my girl

my girl

my girl

talkin about my girl.

I got so much honey

the bees envy me.

I got a sweeter song

than the birds in the trees.

Well, I guess you say

what can make me feel this way

my girl

my girl

my girl

talkin about my girl.

(my girl)

I don't need no money,

fortune or fame.

I got all the riches baby

one man can claim.

Well, I guess you say

what can make me feel this way

my girl

my girl

my girl

talkin about my girl

my girl

talkin bout my girl.

I got sunshine on a cloudy day.

(my girl)

I even got the month of may with my girl.

talking bout talking bout talking bout my girl.

( girl)
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