Dedicar Letra Imprisoned In Your Mind de Rose Of Blood

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 te dedica Imprisoned In Your Mind de Rose Of Blood y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Willing infection and mind
Wear until the warden
While the mind of diamond
Wear until the warden

Guide of craft
Wear until the warden
Ghost and Bible on the blade
Wear until the warden

It misunderstands into a next curse
Nothing else beyond to create this mind
My damned is ravenous
Echoing, shears

Mind and mind on the corner
Predator foregoing
In a vital rust
It ceases within the skull
Seize a vision?
In a vital rust

Outgrow a metal?
Wear until the warden
Scared, dragon, believing, damned
Wear until the warden

It misunderstands into a next curse
Nothing else beyond to create this mind
My damned is ravenous
Echoing, shears

Mind and mind on the corner
Predator foregoing
In a vital rust
It ceases within the skull
Seize a vision?
In a vital rust
Tomado de
Mind and mind on the corner
Predator foregoing
In a vital rust
It ceases within the skull
Seize a vision?
In a vital rust

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