Dedicar Letra In Place Of Hope de Still Remains

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 te dedica In Place Of Hope de Still Remains y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Parting is such sweet sorrow.
It's time to go now and I don't know if there will be tomorrow.
It's her time time be the best she'll be forever, when she feels it.
The pain she couldn't avoid...

If only she could breathe.
Let the little child run away.
Let the little child fly away.
I wish I could kiss her cheek and tell her that I love her.
It's not realistic in this life but maybe the other.
I know these secrets.
Might you have been my blood relation?
I will always think of you.
I can't wait to meet you face to face.
She's been waiting for so long, but she'll always just be gone.
Let the little child run away.
Let the little child fly away.

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