Dedicar Letra Losing Reality de Spellblast

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 te dedica Losing Reality de Spellblast y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Look at your wasted realm
You said: "Is my mind so clear?"
A "paradise" made by your own lies
Feel your worn out soul
Your brain's a great black hole
A "paradise" made by your own lies

So dry away your tears,
Cross "the bridge"
Run for a better highfly to reach
There is no hell to destroy
But there must be a reason
(for it) to rebirth
Let me scream

You'll break your life
Losing reality
Trust in my guide
You are the fire
The one can burn desires
Run away
From this world of liars
Let the wilderness shine
No one can, knockin' at your door
Pretends a tie

Don't be so silent
Of many cryin' days
There?s the scent
Silence's the seed
Of this blackened
Sad dance of sorrow

So dry away your tears,
Cross "the bridge"
Run for a better highfly to reach
There is no hell to destroy
But there must be a reason
(for it) to rebirth
Let me scream

You?ll break your life?

Now I found the heavy
Roots of my wick ness
I see, the course of my damnation
Give me an axe
To take me off this ruin
Give me a chance
I scream
A new life's born in me!

Don't leave footsteps
On the sand
You've got a strong
Reputation to defend
Tomado de
You?ll break your life?

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