Dedicar Letra Modern World de Wolf Parade

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 te dedica Modern World de Wolf Parade y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

I'm not in love with the modern world
I'm not in love with the modern world
It was a torch driving the savages back to the trees

Modern world has more ways
And I don't mention it since it's changed
While the people go out and the people come home again

It's gotta last to build up your eyes
And a lifetime of red skies
And from my bed saying your haunted hissing in my bed

Modern world don't ask why
Cause modern world will build things high
Now they house canyons filled with life
Tomado de
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down

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