Dedicar Letra My Cancer de Reflections

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 te dedica My Cancer de Reflections y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

To be honest, the truth is I’m afraid
I fear losing the only thing I’ve ever held so close

The fact is you never cared
Half as much for me as I did for you.
No matter what you say,
You’re filling your head with lies

Telling yourself you’ll be here,
When you’re not anywhere to be found

How can you just close your eyes
And pretend I’m a ghost,
When I am haunted by the thought of you

To be honest, I wish I was like you.
I wish I could forget these memories
Did you not see me falling down
Into endless shades of grey
You watched without taking a step
Tomado de
I just wish you could disappear
But maybe I’m the one who turns to smoke
Maybe this is my destiny
Maybe this is my destiny

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