Dedicar Letra Prologue de The Paramedic

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 te dedica Prologue de The Paramedic y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

We all carry something with us;
Our demons.
We try so hard to fight them
And I’ve spent night after night trying to win.
And I can feel them closing in on me
They’re getting closer, and I don’t know if I can fight them all
I can hear them now, I can see them now, I can feel them now
Oh God, I’m surrounded

Help me please
I’ve lost myself
They’ve brought me to my knees

I know
They won’t let me go
They’re getting stronger
They’re breaking through

And now
I fear what’s next
Can I win this fight?
Or will I meet my death?
Tomado de
And I curse them
From deep inside
And then I heard them speak
“We will eat you alive”

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