Dedicar Letra Race War de Carnivore

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 te dedica Race War de Carnivore y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Black against white
yellow versus red
the fighting won't stop
until we're all dead
burning riots destroy the masses
nightfall brings death,city reduced to ashes
don't call me your brother
we fell from different cunts
and your akins an ugly color
race war
we're going to a race war
hate war
we're going to a hate war
heyndicial homicide
bloodshed, rampage torture is not subsiding
chaos, bedlam, violent ethnic uprising
moslems against christians
and the arabs versus jews
the catholics and protestants
no one wins we all loose
everybody's gonna die
xenophobic tendencies
instilled in us at birth
are mislodled racism
hostilities getting worse
accept the fact my distant cousm
insocateel environments
may just be the key
human beings suspicious
soon fear grees to hate
we'll have each other by the throat
when forced to integrate
mothers watch their children die
and each other hand
cain and abel set the course
ethnocentric command
race ware
hate war

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