Dedicar Letra Scythe Of Time de Grave Digger

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 te dedica Scythe Of Time de Grave Digger y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

I see the church / the town of Edinboro
A tower of memories / of love and sorrow
I remember the past / as I was a child
Dreaming of God and trying to fly
I climb the stairs straight to the top
Thinking and screaming ,about such lowly lot
I know for death who comes for me
But in my mind I cannot see

Hours of Fate are in me neck
I feel the scythe of time and there's no way back

I put my head out through the window
Watching the people on the streets below
And I forgot the tower's clock
A lonely prison what a shock
I feel the pointer cut into my flesh
I lost an eye and blood runs down my neck
I see my head falling down from the tower
I know I'm dead and I lost me power
Tomado de
Hours of Fate are in me neck
I feel the scythe of time and there's no way back

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