Dedicar Letra Settin' The Woods On Fire de Johnny Burnette

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 te dedica Settin' The Woods On Fire de Johnny Burnette y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Well, comb your hair & paintin' powder
You'll act proud & I'll act prouder
You'll sing loud & I'll sing louder
Tonight we're settin' the woods on fire

You're my girl & I'm your fella
Dress up in your proper yello'
I'll look swell but you'll look sweller
We're settin' the woods on fire

We'll be takin' all the high school hops
Tonight we're havin' fun
We're gonna show the gang a brand new dance
That never has been done

I don't care if they thinks we're silly
You be daffy, I'll be dilly
Want you to be my sweet sweet filly
We're settin' the woods on fire

I'll gas up my hot rod Stoker
The band will play hot as a polka
You'll be broke, I'll be broker
Tonight we're settin' the woods on fire

We'll sit close to one another
Up one street & down the other
We will have the time of brother
Settin' the woods on fire

We'll put aside a little time
To fix a flat or 2
My tires & tubes are doin' fine
But the air is showin' through
Tomado de
You clap hands & I'll start bowin'
We'll do all the law's allowin'
I hope your daddy don't start growlin'
Settin' the woods on fire
Settin' the woods on fire
Tonight we're settin' the woods on fire

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