Dedicar Letra Sewers de Torture Killer

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 te dedica Sewers de Torture Killer y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

southwest of heaven I act as judge, jury and executioner
vicious wrath, will to kill, sewers are my killing field
bloodtrail leads beneath the ground, where 49 bodies are found

stench of the dead
severed from life
in these sewers the horror revived
a ravenous murdering rage
I am the father, killing gave me grace

another corpse and a victim
another piece, another one dead
a broken bottle to a crushed skull
bleeding blood that's not enough
I'll kill more

In these sewers I will hammer them down

stench of the dead
severed from life
in these sewers the horror revived
a ravenous murdering rage
I am the father, killing gave me grace

another corpse and a victim
another piece, another one dead
a broken bottle to a crushed skull
bleeding blood that's not enough
I'll kill more
Tomado de
In these sewers I will make them drown

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