Dedicar Letra Straighten Out de Monday Street

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 te dedica Straighten Out de Monday Street y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Summertime is all we need to succeed
oh and i'm waiting for the day we wanted to see
straighten out the clothes, you've worn for so long
going to town without your makeup on

Lay down honey, everything will turn around
It's almost time for your feet to touch the ground
Don't start crying at the first sign of thunder
Don't start crying when I turn around

Washing lines hanging in the warmth of the air
Feel fine, no one around seems to care
Everyone's wrapped up and enjoying their share of
Hospitality from the worst of the neighbours
Tomado de
Lay down honey, everything will turn around
It's almost time for your feet to touch the ground
Don't start crying at the first sign of thunder
Don't start crying when I turn around[3x]

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