Dedicar Letra You words I jab sharp de Panda

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 te dedica You words I jab sharp de Panda y te envía el siguiente mensaje:

Your words I jab sharp


Of the disc loving lunatic

Inconsolable I am
It invades solitude to me
I am better
Your you have learned already
To be able to disguise
When crying
I have discovered already
The way to express without titubear
And here
I have for you
6 words
without you I return to be
and today I feel with as much reason
and I have all the intention of herirte
like your
with your magical words
they hurt and they return to strike
and to my
it pleases to me
you do not see my eyes no
I do not want to reveal
my secrets
and I do not occupy your mercy
nor the one of the others
I am somebody but
and today I feel with as much reason
and I have all the intention of herirte
like your
with your magical words
they hurt and they return to strike
and to my
it pleases to me
and it is truth you want to me always badly
you deal with to me with the end your
however I never had opportunity
to verify that your and I

Tomado de
Inconsolable I a.m.
It you invade solitude to me
I a.m. to better
Your you have learned already
To sees able to disguise
When crying
I have discovered already
The way to express without to tauter
And here
For I have you
6 words
without you I return to sees
and today I feel with ace much reason
and I have all the intention of hurt you
like your
with your magical words
they hurt and they return to strike
and to my
it pleases to me
you do not see my eyes no
Reveal I do not want to
my secrets
and I do not occupy your mercy
nor the one of the others
I a.m. somebody but
and today I feel with ace much reason
and I have all the intention of hurt you
like your
with your magical words
they hurt and they return to strike
and to my
it pleases to me
and it is truth you want to me always badly
you deal with to me with the end your
to however I to never had opportunity
to verify that your and I

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