Letra Doomsday Clock de The Smashing Pumpkins

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Is everyone afraid?
Is everyone ashamed?
They're running torwards their holes to find out
Apocalyptic means
Are lost amongst our dead
A message to our friends, to get out

There's wagers on this fear
Ooh, ooh so clear
Depends on what you'll pay to hear

They're bound to kill us all
In white-washed halls
The jackals lick their paws

Please don't stop
It's lonely at the top
These lonely days
Will they ever stop?
This doomsday clock
Tickin' in my heart, not broken

I love life everyday, in each and every way
Kafka would be proud to find out
I'm certain of the end, it's the means that has me spooked
It takes an unknown truth to get out
I guess that I'm born free, silly me
I was meant to beg from my knees

Please don't stop
It's lonely at the top
These lonely days
Will they ever stop?
This doomsday clock
Tickin' in my heart
These lonely days, will they ever stop?

Gotta dig in
Gas masks on
Wait in the sunshine overhead
If this is living, sakes alive
Well then we can't win, no one survives

Is everyone afraid?
You should be ashamed
Apocalyptic screams mean nothing to the dead
Kiss your little son to know all there is
C'mon, last call!
You should want it all!
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
It's lonely at the top
These lonely days, will they ever stop
This doomsday clock
It's tickin' in my heart
These lonely days, will they ever stop
It's tickin' in my heart
Is everyone afraid?