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I see shades that are extinguished
I see thousand photos of yesterday,
Thousand memories that finish
it is left a dream still to see.
I want to escape and to wake up without knowing of the time.
I want to breathe, without never returning.
And I want to live, I want to exist, to feel silence,
no longer I want to speak, single I want to find a day of peace.
I see the streets the morning,
I see the absence of yesterday.
And 1000 dreams that went away,
1000 histories that sank,
like boats that are lost in the sea.
a day of peace.
single I want to escape
((I want to escape))
to never return
((and no longer I want never to return))
and I want to escape
((no longer to know never of the time))
And not to return
((single I want to be in silence))