Letra Fire Red de The Paramedic

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This place is Hell

In a hell like I’ve never seen
In a hell devoid of its fiends
In a hell completely unknown
A hell that I now call home

Can I really say that I didn’t see this coming?
I’ve gone through far too much to just not expect something.
But now this is real.
Now this true.
Now this is something
I cannot undo
I scream and I shout
I beg and I plead
But I’m alone in this place
Just the darkness and me

I deserve this.

I’m walking through fire.
With all that I’ve done,
This is what I’ve earned.
I’m walking through fire
And I feel the pain,
But I never burn

How did I get here?
No, this can’t be right.
Am I trapped in the dark,
Or am I losing sight?
It feels so familiar
This place filled with doubt
I’ve been here before
And there’s no way out
I’m lacking direction
I’m out of control
Every step pulls me
Further down below
I want to climb out
But these fears keep me grounded
There’s no one around
But I still feel surrounded

I will die here

I’m walking through fire
With all that I’ve done,
This is what I’ve earned.
I’m walking through fire
And I feel the pain,
But I never burn

This place is Hell
“Where is your God now?”
In a hell like I’ve never known
In a hell like I’ve never seen
This hell that I now call home
This place is not where
You want to be
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I’m walking through fire
With all that I’ve done,
This is what I’ve earned.
I’m walking through fire
And I feel the pain,
But I never burn