Letra Free The Fallen de Kingdom Of Sorrow

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I'm still living, searching and questioning
I'm still hoping, bleeding and wandering
Searching for something to ease the agony
Questioning all of this life lost in front of me
Trying not to let the hopelessness engulf me
Wishing for the realization to give me something, someone
to help me feel again
Something, someone
to let me heal again

How can we free the fallen?
How can we free the fallen?
Free them from themselves

I'm still living, searching and questioning
I'm still hoping, bleeding and wandering
I'm still living, searching and questioning
I'm still hoping for this world to give me something, someone
to help me feel again
Something, someone
to help me live again

How can we free the fallen?
How can we free the fallen?
Free them from themselves

Searching for something to ease this agony
Questioning all of this life lost in front of me
Trying not to let the hopelessness engulf me
Wishing for the realization to come to me

Ressurect me
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I'm still searching for something in this life
Anyone or anything to give me peace inside