Letra Friends Are Gone de Violet Sunset

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Have you ever felt alone?

being surrounded by so many people,

have you ever felt with no place to go?

like if you did not belong to this world,

like when you thought you knew someone

and then you realize you don’t.


Walkingwith strangers,

no one to trust,

nobody is there when you feel alone,

summer made feel our heart less cold,

but leaves are falling as friends are gone.


Where are all the promises?

written in the sand, the sea took them away.

like when you thought you knew someone

and then you realize you don’t.


Endless stories, that we forgot,

all the memories will never come back,

empty feelings, are you okay?

or do you feel lost in this world?


Walkingwith strangers,

no one to trust,

nobody is there when you feel alone,


Walkingwith strangers,

no one to trust,

nobody is there when you feel alone,

summer made feel our heart less cold,
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
but leaves are falling as friends are gone.