Letra Guardians de Battlelore

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

They came over the sea
To watch upon the dark
They reached the highest peaks
To maintain the peace
They flew from afar
As one with the wind
Under their wings
They shall gather the weak

Everywhere I go they are near
Every time I call they will hear
And fly for me

I have seen the dragons
Flying far away
Painting the sky
In crimson shades
I have heard the wolves
As they are closing in
With their burning eyes
But I have not felt the fear

I have seen the shadows
Gathering in the East
Failing the sun
With the darkest veil

Everywhere I go they are near
Every time I call they will hear
And fly for me

My sorrows will fade away
I can dry my tears
And I will know
And I will know I am safe
As they watch over me
Above the clouds
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I have seen the dragons
Flying far away
Painting the sky
In crimson shades
I have heard the wolves
As they are closing in
With their burning eyes
But I have not felt the fear