Letra Hideaway de kowai

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Just as true to me as before
You give away to me again
And how we tried today
You give in faithfully

Show me
The way to your reality
And veil me with your lies
Show me
The way to your fantasies
And veil me with your sight

Living what we always dreamed of
Never to be the weakest one
Feeling free in what steps we take
I'm not joining your ignorance

I've never been who I pretended
I've never felt like I pretended
I've never loved you really
I've never lost you truly

Veil me and take me there
To the places you hide carefully
All the things you've kept secret
Let me see all that you have left

Show me
The way to your reality
And veil me with your lies
Show me
The way to your fantasies
And veil me with your sight
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Veil me to shield me from pain
From your bleeding agony
Pretending to keep me safe
I'm not joining your oblivion