Letra I Ain't Drunk de Albert Collins

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Everyday baby, when the sun go down
I get with my friends, an' I begin to clown
I don't care, what the people are thinkin'
I ain't drunk, I'm just drinkin'
(But you're so high)
Oh man, you know I ain't high
(But you're so high)
I just take a little bit, now an' then
(But you're so high)
Now you oughta be 'shamed of yourself
(Stay drunk all the time)
Oh, c'mon now, you know ya'all get like that

Come home last night, all loose
Baby get in a fuss, I said, "Honey, hush"
I don't care, what the people are thinkin'
I ain't drunk, I'm just drinkin'
(But you're so high)
I ain't drunk, I done told ya'all I ain't drunk now
What ya'all doin' drinkin'?
(But you're so high)
Actually, I'm just havin' fun, man
(But you're so high)
What? I know I'm not
(Stay drunk all the time)
Damn, I don't know why you're all talkin' about me like that!

You done the right thing, I wanna thank you, too
Now, let's have a little drink, just me an' you
I don't care, what the people are thinkin'
I ain't drunk, but I'm just drinkin'
(But you're so high)
Who me? I ain't high man
(But you're so high)
I don't know why you all talk about me like that
(But you're so high)
You oughta mind your own business, brother
(Stay drunk all the time)
You, you oughta watch yourself, too
You don't understand what I'm sayin'
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I wanna tip you, baby, before I go
I be back tomorrow night an' drink so' mo'
I don't care, what the people are thinkin'
I ain't drunk, I'm just drinkin'
(But you're so high)
Oh no, you the one drunk!
Look at yo' eyes, man!
(But you're so high)
Don't you tell my old lady, now!
(But you're so high)
Well I ain't had but four or five
(Stay drunk all the time)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve