Letra I Can't Quit You Baby de Otis Rush

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Well, I can't quit you baby, but I got to put you down for awhile
Well, you know, I can't quit you baby, but I got to put you down for awhile
Well, you know, you messed up my happy home baby,
made me mistreat my only child
Yes, you know I love you, baby, my love for you I'll never hide
Oh, you know I love you, baby, my love for you I'll never hide
Yes, you know I love you, baby, well you just my ordered size
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Well, I'm so tired I could cry, I could just lay down and die
Oh, I'm so tired I could cry, I could just lay down and die
Yes, you know you my only darling, you know you my desire
When you hear me moaning and groaning,
you know it hurts me deep down inside
Oh, when you hear me moaning and groaning,
you know it hurts me deep down inside
When you hear me holler , baby, oh, you know your my desire