Letra I'm Alive de Cornerstone

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I feel like a stranger today
the world keeps spinning around
something is moving in the clay
as I try to get my feet back
on the ground

But just like in sand
In which nothing will grow
I'm raw as a naked scarecrow
One seed in my hand
beats to survive
and the best of me comes out alive

I'm alive

I followed a clue miles away
directions still unknown
I'm circling like this everyday
and scared by the sound of rattling stones

When all colours turn into grey
and the clouds are hanging low
I will hide all my seeds in the clay
longing for a rainy day to show
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Wind me up lock me up
I've been through changes
I've learned to survive
and the best of me comes out alive