Letra I'm Awake Now de Goo Goo Dolls

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I've been where the river ran
I'm drownin' in a sunless sea
Sleep has helped me find my end
You promised me you'd set me free

Don't fall asleep to dream

A banshee's at my window pane
There's an angel at my feet

Don't fall asleep to dream

I'm awake now
(You can't touch me, I won't sleep no more)
Awake now

In the corner of my mind
Where he sits and waits for me
There's a wall of confusion building
And the sky begins to bleed on me

Don't fall asleep to dream

I'm looking for a way out now
Peace of mind is all I need

Don't fall asleep to dream

I'm awake now
(You can't touch me, I won't sleep no more)
Awake now
(You can't touch me, I won't sleep no more)
Awake now
(You can't touch me, I won't sleep no more)
Awake now
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Awake now
Awake now
Awake now
Awake now