Letra I Think I Love de Jamie Cullum

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I think I love
every single little crack on your face
I think I love
even our most casual embrace
You don't have to try
Cause I've made up my mind
Baby, I think I love you today

Remember that time
you threw a can of beer at me like a stone
You drunk too much wine
and threw up in the taxi cab on the way home
You looked like a mess
But I must confess
Baby, I think I love you today

When I think what we could do
If I could only say to you, yeah
All of these things,
well do I dare
and would you care?
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I think I love
everytime you honor me with a kiss
I think I love
well, there are just a million things I could list
Should let you know
but maybe tomorrow
Baby, I think I love you today