Letra Inside and Out de Las Robertas

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I come from the streets where things are wild
You love his next hit, it isn't out

You cry on your seat when it's too loud
You cry on your seat when there's no crowd
You get what you see for crying out loud
You get what you see for crying out loud

I come from the streets where things are wild
My love for your beats, I get around

You cry on your seat when it's too loud
You cry on your seat when there's no crowd
You get what you see for crying out loud
You get what you see for crying out loud
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I come from the streets where things are wild
You love his next hit, it isn't out
I come from the streets where things are wild
My love for your beats, I get around