Letra Inspiration de Crown Of Glory

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

How many minutes has the light
If you be waiting for the night
To break the seventh seal
We celebrate a show tonight
The energy it gives to me
The ignorant will never understand
Tearing up the gate to Promised Land

What's been suppressed for so long
It's rising today
There's just one thing you should know...

Nights children, Break silence
Go through, Hold up your irons
One nation, Creation
I've found my inspiration

My heart is pounding, can't you see
The lights are flashing in my eyes
A serenade of steel
Hoping all wishes to be real
Believe in miracles today
I know this time we'll find a way
Ignite a fire that will never end
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Light up the stairway to the sky
The edge of infinity
Join this magic carpet ride
Seizing the day