Letra Integral Birth de Cynic

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I touch the string though the harp may not sing
Still I dare the sky for sun sparks to guide
Down below there's a land
With an ominous hole
Deep in the sand of belief

A million doves
Orbit round the Earth with tears of blood
Kill the virgin, take Integral Birth


From the void, I am born into wave and particle
In the uncreative eye, emerging oracle

A million doves
Orbit round the Earth with tears of blood
Slay the dragon, take Integral Birth

Weep no more
Noble silence
Usher my way home

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A million doves
Orbit round the Earth with tears of blood
Lie yourself, enraged we are the truth
Cast me down, the key and we are the truth
Time has come to take Integral Birth
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com