Letra Internal Winter de 1349

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Ad Infermum
I was alone
The path lay before me
Illuminated by
the blood of those
Who went
The hard way

Silence appressive
Death imminent
Chaotic evil
Raping the order
Killing the light

Submit to your fears
Obsessed with your faults
Surrender to the darkness within
Initializing Armageddon
End of transmission

Massa di requiem per tellus
Amanged for choir & flesh
An eldritch chaos of demon cacophony
Such sweet disharmony
Almost sacred
In its blasphemy

To rest
To die
Perchance to dream
Of nightmares and coffin-worm

Such sprrow, then
To wake up
To be alive
Not dreaming
In a corpsecity beneath the waves..

Infernal Winter
No way to recapture the feeling
Cannot reclaim a crumbled throne
Cursed with awareness
Of a time that has died

Detached I sever the bonds
Adoming my shell with crimson threads
Attuning my flesh to my spirit
Revelling in the agony

My breath is chill
My blood is ice
My embrace the freezing death
Frozen to the core
Subzero emotions
So cold it burns
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Let the cold penetrate you
Let the cold penetrate you
Let the cold..all the way..in.