Letra Into The Sun de Candlebox

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I've been blinded by
the beauty of your eyes
This worries me (She whispers)
Sunshine my love
The meanings of her words do move
Undressed indoors
To me it's lust
Oh we got high, high to rain it all over my
Sunshine my love, oh be still
If this is my time then i'm running late
Oh my angel

Always into the sun
Wings ablaze, i'm alive, I fight
Always into the sun
To unsteady me, no more, no more, no more

I've unsteady days
You flicker in my gaze
This hurries me (She whispers)
Tic Toc my love
Beneath it all it's clear
It's deeper than, deeper than the deepest sea
She isn't ready for it, she isn't ready for
Anything, anything that might further
me away my love goodbye
Goodbye my love, will you sing this song?
When my time has come and i'm running late
Oh my angel

Always into the sun
Wings ablaze, i'm alive, I fight
Always into the sun
To unsteady me no
Unsteady, dying, maybe wounded
I'm wide awake and i'm not sleeping
Always into the sun
Wngs ablaze, i'm alive, I fight

Sitting here awaiting cover
To see the one that never got away
She still stops so far so far still further won't you hold her still?
If you only love would love her love would love
my love would love me martyr
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Sitting here awaiting cover
Always into the sun
Wings ablaze, i'm alive, I fight
Always into the sun
To unsteady me no