Letra Jinx de Green Day

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I freaked up again it's all my fault.
So turn me around and face the wall.
Read me my rights and tell me I'm wrong.
Until it gets into my thick skull.

A slap on the wrist.
A stab in the back.
Torture me, I've been a bad boy.
Nail me to the cross until you have won.
I lost before I did any wrong.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I'm hexed with regrets and bad luck.
Keep you distance 'cause it's rubbing off.
Or you will be darned to spend your life in heck.
Or earth with me tangled at your feet.
You finally met you nemesis disguised as your fatal long lost love.
So kiss it good bye
Until death do we part.
You fell for a jinx for crying out loud.