Letra Landing in london de 3 Doors Down

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I woke up today in London
As the plane was touching down
And all I could think about was monday
And maybe ill be back around

If this keeps me away much longer
I dont know what i will do
Youve got to understand its a hard life
That im going through

And when the night falls in around me
I dont think ill make it through
Ill use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

Well L.A is getting kinda crazy
And New york is getting kinda cold
I keep my head from geting lazy
I just cant wait to get back home

And all these days i spend away
Ill make up for this i swear
I need your love to hold me up
When its all too much to bear

And when the night falls in around me
I dont think ill make it through
Ill use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

And all these days i spend away
Ill make up for this i swear
I need your love to hold me up
When its all too much to bear
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
When the night falls in around me
I dont think ill make it through
Ill use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you