Letra Long As I Can Seen The Light de Creedence Clearwater Revisited

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Creedence Long as I can see the Light Letras:

Put a candle in the window, 'cause I feel I've got
to move. Though I'm going, going, I'll be coming
home soon, 'Long as I can see the light.

Pack my bag and let's get movin', 'cause I'm
bound to drift a while. When I'm gone, gone, you
don't have to worry long, 'Long as I can see the

[Más Letras en http://es.mp3lyrics.org/FyP]
Guess I've got that old trav'lin' bone, 'cause
this feelin' won't leave me alone. But I won't,
won't be losin' my way, no, no 'Long as I can see
the light.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh, Yeah!
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Put a candle in the window, 'cause I feel I've
got to move. Though I'm going, going, I'll be
coming home soon, Long as I can see the light.
Long as I can see the light. Long as I can see the
light. Long as I can see the light. Long as I can
see the light.